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Schedule of Examinations - Cosmetic Surgery Training Program

Examination Scheduled Date Scheduled Date
Medical MCQ  12 October, 2024 March 2025
ABCS Written 9 November, 2024 17 May 2025
Viva Voce February 2025  

Formal Examinations - Cosmetic Surgery Training Program

1. Cosmetic Medical MCQ Paper

Cosmetic Surgery trainees are required to pass the Faculty of Cosmetic Medicine Examination.  

The objective of the MCQ Cosmetic Medicine Examination is to assess a trainee’s competency and required level of knowledge and understanding of Anatomy as it applies to cosmetic medical practice and to assess core knowledge such as non-invasive treatments, aspects of basic training, and acquisition of core concepts. The examination is 2 hours in duration and is made up of 100 Single-Best Answer MCQs, aligning with best practice.

Application Process 
The ACCSM Education Officer invites eligible trainees to sit the MCQ examination. This examination runs biannually in March and October at the Sir Stamford Hotel in Circular Quay, Sydney.

Trainees have a maximum of two attempts to successfully complete the MCQ Examination within a 12-month timeframe. This rule applies regardless of the trainee’s full-time equivalent (FTE) status. If the trainee is unsuccessful after two attempts, the ACCSM will liaise with the preceptor and consider remedial training actions under the ACCSM Remediation in Training Policy.

Pass mark/Marking System
The exam pass mark is set using the modified Angoff standard setting methodology. 

Notification and Results 
Exams are marked manually, and results issued usually within one week of sitting the examination.  Trainees are notified of their result via email.  If the result is a fail, they will be invited to sit the next examination event.  Candidates are allowed two consecutive attempts.  Trainees can continue to train as they wait for the next attempt.  Once an examination has been successfully passed, the trainee can move onto Stage 3 of the training program.

Examination registration costs are included in training fees.  Attendees are required to cover their own travel expenses to attend.

This examination runs biannually in March and October at the Sir Stamford Hotel in Circular Quay, Sydney.


2. American Board of Cosmetic Surgery Surgical Exam (ABCS)

To ensure graduates are benchmarked against an international standard, noting that the American and Australian training programs are similar, ACCSM Cosmetic Surgery trainees are required to pass the American Board Examination (ABCS). 

This exam is designed to evaluate competency in cosmetic surgery by critiquing a combination of a candidate’s knowledge, surgical judgement, technical expertise, and ethics to achieve the goal of providing aesthetic improvement. The examination is 5 hours in duration and runs biannually in May and November.

Application Process 
Cosmetic Surgery trainees are eligible to apply for the ABCS exam during Stage 3 of the training program.  Dates of upcoming examinations will be placed on the College website.  

Trainees are afforded three attempts at the exam. As part of the training program fee, the ACCSM will pay for two attempts. Subsequent attempts will be self-funded.

Trainees can continue to train as they wait for the next attempt. 

Pass mark/Marking System
The exam is prepared and psychometrically evaluated by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME).  The pass mark for this examination is 65%. 

Notification and Results
Trainees are notified of their result via email.  If the result is a fail, they will be invited to sit the next examination event.  The American Board can take up to 3 months for the release of results.  Once the result is received it is notified to the trainee within 48 hours.

Examination registration costs are included in training fees for upto two attempts, any third attempt will be self-funded by the Trainee.  Attendees are required to cover their own travel expenses to attend.

This examination runs biannually in May and November.

Pearson Professional Centres
Level 6/470 Collins Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000

Pearson Professional Centres
Level 2, 10 Bridge Street,
Sydney NSW 2000



3. Viva Voce Examination

Cosmetic Surgery trainees are required to pass the Faculty of Cosmetic Surgery Viva Voce Examination.  Trainees are eligible to sit the VIVA examination during Stage 4 (19 – 24 months) of the training program.  

The viva voce examination is a 10- station examination. Each station is 10 minutes long, with semi-structured questions and prompts. 
The 10 stations will cover the following content of the curriculum: Facial, body, breast, liposuction, rhinoplasty, non-invasive and informed consent. Each station will have rubric descriptions and a categorical rating scale with inbuilt standards.

Application Process 
The ACCSM Education Officer invites eligible trainees to sit the VIVA examination.  

Trainees are afforded three consecutive attempts at the VIVA.    

Pass mark/Marking System
The standard for the minimally competent candidate (MCC) will be built into the station, through descriptions of what the MCC should be able to demonstrate for that station. All candidates will be assessed on the 5 domains of: applied knowledge, decision making, clinical judgement, professional conduct and communication which have been aligned to CanMEDS. For each domain, candidates will be assessed as Outstanding, Clear Pass, Borderline Pass, Borderline Fail, Clear Fail and Significant Concerns.

The passing standards for the Viva will be determined using formal standard setting methodologies. This will allow for minor differences in examination difficulty to be accounted for, and to ensure that the performance standards are maintained.

Notification and Results
Candidates are notified of their result usually within one week of the exam completion via email. Trainees will be invited to sit the next available sitting, if the result is a fail.

Due to the small trainee numbers, the ACCSM sets the VIVA examination date based on demand and candidate eligibility.




Related Documents


Read more about

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery here

National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) here

Pearson Professional Centres here