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Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development - CPD

In line with the regulatory requirement, all medical practitioners need a CPD Home for their 2024 CPD.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) requires that all registered medical practitioners participate in CPD. The activities undertaken must be relevant to their scope of practice, must enhance their knowledge, skills and performance, and ensure that they contribute to the delivery of high quality and safe care.

For more information on CPD Homes, please see the Medical Board webiste here.

A summary of the key changes are outlined below.



80 hours of CPD required annually

50 hours of CPD required

Categories of CPD per the ACCSM by-laws:
1. Hospital/ committee meetings (surgical
2. Meetings with peers
3. Self-directed education

4. Additional CPD activities
5. Reflective practice (one per year mandatory)

CPD must be completed in the following

25 hours (50%) of hours recorded across
Reviewing Performance and Measuring Outcomes. With a minimum of 5 hours for
each category


12.5 hours (25%) of hours recorded under Educational Activities

12.5 hours (25%) across

any of the CPD categories

No requirement to develop a Professional
Development Plan

Professional Development Plan mandatory
(under Performance domain)

NZ members – no requirement for a structured

NZ members must complete an annual
structured conversation with a supervisor/
peer, with a focus on cultural safety and
health equity

No requirement to join a CPD Home

CPD Home mandatory from 1 January 2024

Mandatory reflective practice activity

Reflective practice activities are included in
the Performance Review domain


The ACCSM CPD Programme consists of educational activities undertaken after qualifying as a Fellow of the College which serve to increase, maintain and develop the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective and safe patient care, in relation to Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetic Medicine.

There are four categories of activities:


Category 1 - Hospital and Committee Meetings

This includes attendance at any of the following meetings:

  • Specialty Unit Meetings.
  • Clinical Outcome Meeting including grand rounds.
  • Any hospital committee involved with clinical care of patients.

The total minimum requirement for Category I is ten hours active involvement per year.

Category 2 - Scientific Meetings (1 day = 8 hours)

This includes attendance at any internationally accredited meeting involved cosmetic surgical / medical activities. Attendance at College meeting/conference at least once every two years is a pre-requisite of fulfilling CME requirements.

The total minimal requirement for Category II is thirty hours per annum.

Category 3 - Self-Educational Activities

These include the following:

  • Internet activities related, to clinical practice.
  • Surgical journals, tapes, videos etc.
  • Arranged visits to special units.
  • Preparation for and participation in self-assessment tests.
  • Acquisition of new skills related to cosmetic surgical practice.

Category 4 - Other Activities

These include the following:

  • Internet activities related, to clinical practice.
  • Surgical journals, tapes, videos etc.
  • Arranged visits to special units.
  • Preparation for and participation in self-assessment tests.
  • Acquisition of new skills related to cosmetic surgical practice.
  • The minimum requirements for Categories Ill and IV is a total of forty hours.

Summary of Requirements for Re-certification Program

  • Engage in a total of 80 hours of continuing medical education per annum.
  • Conduct an audit of some aspect of the Fellow or Member's clinical practice related to cosmetic surgery / medicine.
  • Arrange a peer review of that audit.
  • Engage in audit activities for at least 5 hours per annum (in addition to activities referred to above.
  • Be credentialled at a hospital that is accredited by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards or that meets the standards for an ACCSM approved hospital.

If requested, Fellows are required to supply documentation to support the information provided on the Annual Re-certification Data Form.
At the end of each calendar year, each Fellow will be sent a Recertification Data Form which is required to be completed and return to the College by the due date. All documents will be assessed and as soon as possible after the due date each Fellow who meets the minimum standard will be sent a Recertification Statement for the previous year. It is a condition of Re-certification that Fellows/Members produce evidence that they have current appropriate medical indemnity insurance with an appropriate medical defence organisation in order to protect the public.