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Objectives of the College

Members of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine will practice with integrity and honour, in the best interests of the patient, for their safety and quality of care, as their highest concerns and in a manner that upholds the dignity of the medical profession.

Members will strive for the furtherment of the speciality of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery through research and development and to ensure the maintenance of the highest standards through continued medical education and training.

These are the Objectives of The College:

  • to enhance the knowledge of practitioners performing cosmetic and aesthetic surgery to allow accreditation and to recognise appropriate levels of expertise as either Fellows, Members or Associate Members of the College;
  • to accredit properly trained and experienced persons as members of the College;
  • to develop and promote cosmetic or aesthetic surgery as a separate specialty within the field of medicine;
  • to establish high standards of skill and practice in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;
  • to provide advice and information to consumers and to those practising in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;
  • to promote, and seek representation for, the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery in the appropriate academic, political and other forums;
  • to act as, and to promote itself as, an authoritative body in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery and as a supporting body for members of the medical profession in general in relation to the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;to act as adviser and information resource to government and others in mailers concerning cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;
  • to promote relations between persons engaged in training or practice in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;
  • to recognise publicly outstanding achievements by persons in the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;
  • to provide opportunities and facilities for research, the reading of papers, delivery of lectures and the collection and dissemination of useful information to members and those involved in the practice of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery;
  • to employ and remunerate out of the funds of the College such officials, employees, servants and agents including suitable teaching staff as may be thought expedient or proper for carrying into effect the objects of the College or any of them;
  • in furtherance of the objects of the College, to receive gifts or legacies and to make gifts;
  • to establish, at the Council's discretion, a body to conduct research or other charitable purpose related to the field of cosmetic or aesthetic surgery.

ACCSM Training Programs

Cosmetic Surgery Training Program


Cosmetic Medical Training Program
